Monday, February 18, 2013

Bruery 5 Gold Rings

Pretty excited about this holiday beer by The Bruery because the last offering of 4 calling birds was an amazing tasting ale and even before that three french hens was exceptional to drink and wish i had more of those bottles to enjoy.  Since this is a themed beers for the holidays and they release these every year i hope i can hold onto my collection when they hit the 12th year and celebrate by doing a vertical when the time comes.

Poured into a tulip glass.

Appearance - Pours a light orange/salmon color. The color is almost the same hue as a bottle of peanut oil but a little bit more pink. The pour starts with a fast foaming head which dissipates quickly.

Smell - Pineapple, nail polish remover, strong apple cider or some sort of high abv fermenting fruit liquor. The smell of this before the sip i know it is going to taste like its posted 11.5% abv.

Taste - Booze Booze Booze! After the taste of rubbing alcohol subsides i do taste the subtle farmhouse style ale which i correlate with golden belgians. The aftertaste is sweet where i can taste the pineapples but it has a crazy taste like windex or some sort of industrial cleaning solution flavor to it because of the booze flavor.

Mouthfeel - Low carbonation so it is quite easy to drink but at the same time it is hard because of how hot this bottle is.

Overall - Kinda disappointed after last years holiday styles from The Bruery have been amazing and wish they could have made this fifth one a little bit more palatable. After tasting this i tried hard not to pour this down the drain but after i was done with one cup of it i had to pour the rest down the drain. Maybe with age it will tame down this beast because i have had success with other beers i thought were to hot in the beginning like damnation 23.

If this wasn't part or a series for a vertical i would have not bought any more of these bottles but i would be interested in seeing what age will do with this because when damnation 23 came out it was hot as hell but when i sat on it and aged it and tried it a year later it definitely mellowed and was enjoyable. 

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