Friday, May 24, 2013

Cantillon Kriek

Cantillon Cantillon Cantillon - Kriek.  Few months since i posted last but might was well come in with a bang!   So here we go this is one of my most favorite beers and has always delivered because of the reputation and the taste.  I am one to hail this beer as one of the greats that is accessible for most but i will fight my way to get bottles of these.  I would like to talk about this brewery as they have put down such amazing beers and they are rightfully in the correct hands of a brewer that just wants to spread his great quality beer around the world.

Appearance - Dark red which has the same color as a cherry just ripe off the tree.  Poured in it will have a small pink head that will reside and leave a nice foamy ring.  When seeing this color for the first time i realized most kriek and kriekstyle beers have never come to a eye popping color like this.  Many might argue that i am hyper critical about this but i feel tha amazing krieks should hold the color of  some sort of dark red or even pinkish color and that many people blend cherries into the beers to just say that they are a kriek but are more like a sour brown ale. The color is spectacular and is a 5/5 rating for awesomness.

Smell -Oak, sour cherries, small hints of vinegar.  The oak and the cherries overtake the smell of this and water the mouth because you can almost taste the sourness from the sniff.  AMAZING nuff said this smells like what it is going to taste like.

Taste - LLJKEKLJLFEJJFELJELEJLFKJELKJFEKLJ = uhm yeah i think this tastes like sour cherries aged in an oak barrel which still retains all the flavor of a tart cherry.  Once this beer hits your mouth it is an explosion of sour cherries without the face puckering sourness that one would think.  Balance is the key and i say this is one of the more drier krieks and has great balance of the sweetness versus the sourness.  SOUR CHERRIES and if we where Little John we would say YEAHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhHHHHHHHHHHhHhh.

Mouthfeel -  Best feeling in the mouth of that it is dry, crisp and balanced,  Cantillon makes amazing fruit forward sour beers and all i have to say is this is what i want in a sour. Nuff said.

Overall -  Hype is well deserved for this beer but i still feel it is one that is underrated in the sense that is is the gateway beer that most lambic, kriek, sour & wild ale fans forget about how simplistic this beer is and how it has the flavors that we all want.  I would never turn down this beer and is spectacular because of how well balanced and tasty it is.  If a fast food restaurant had this on tap i would camp out by the spigot and sleep there for days.

Notes - will try and update more often.  Leave comments of beers you want me to talk about or try!